Hope is not lost today… it is found – Star Wars: The Force Awakens

So I’ve waited quite a while to start this post.  Indeed since the opening day of this film, back in December it has been more than three months and three viewings, and the film is about to release on Blu-Ray soon.  It is about time I wrote something.  I couldn’t figure out why this post was so hard to get written.  In the end it comes down to what did I have to say that was unique or new about this film.  The danger is I don’t know.

First, as a huge Star Wars fan since my first viewing of A New Hope in junior high, my fandom has been an emotional roller coaster.  A year after watching the films for the first time on VHS, they were re-released in theatres for their anniversary.  I remember going down to theatres for three months in a row thrilled and excited to see each original film in the theatre for the first time.  Like so may this was my first experience with really being wowed and overwhelmed by a film, and set in stone the love I still have to this day for these films.

From then I was a fanboy.  I read every extended universe book (now called the Star Wars Legends) and fell deeper and deeper in love with these characters.  I know I am not unique, but having read these books for so long I had such a deep connection to these characters.  They were like friends in another universe.  Then the new movies were announced, what would be referred to as the Prequel Trilogy, and I was thrilled to be returning to this universe I loved so much, but apparently I was not the target audience, which I have always been hurt by.  You see Episode One is clearly written for children, it is the only way to explain Jar Jar and kiddie Anakin along with the kid friendly shiny planets and themes.   I have always felt betrayed by these three films.  Yes they got progressively better to the point where Episode three is definitely a worthy film, if just barely, of being part of the franchise.  My betrayal stemed most from my love of the original characters, universe and stories.  I was ready to accept new characters and stories.  I had, after all, read so many of the extended universe books that there were pleanty of new characters that I loved.  But this was not Star Wars as it was intended as far as I was concerned.

Then Episode Two released and things got better, at least a little.  Episode Three released and I thought to myself, well at least that one was good and we went out on an ok note, but thank god that was over.  With that I started to walk away from the universe I loved so much.  Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still loved the original trilogy, I’ll even watch the Prequel Trilogy when doing a complete watch through, but the magic was gone and tarnished from what I loved as a child.  Over the years since there had been many video games that managed to capture the old feelings for at least some time, but by a few years ago I had conceded that I had grown-up and some of the magic would never bee the same, until the trailer for The Force Awakens was released.

I am man enough to admit I cried.  Something about those opening chords of that music tugged those heart strings and had them singing, but it was that one line by Han, “Chewie, we’re home,” that to this day even remembering it makes me emotional.  Watching that moment I was instantly excited again, like that junior high boy so many years ago, the magic was back and my old friends (who were definitely old now) were back.

I say the following fully knowing the absurdity and ridiculousness of it, and without any irony, for me the first viewing of this film was probably the most spiritual experience I’ve had in years.  From the opening text crawl, which brought tears of joy, to the final credits sequence I was overwhelmed.  The best explanation I can come up with was it was like coming home, seeing and old friend, and receiving every gift that I ever wanted and didn’t receive all at the same time.  As I walked out I was concerned that, just like with Episode One, it was just the magic of that opening day audience and those feelings would dissipate and then I would see how bad the film was on my second viewing.  This was not the case.   The second, and third even, viewings were even better than viewing one, except of course that opening day audience energy wasn’t there.

Looking back all I can say is Thank You JJ Abrams, for returning to me the magic of Star Was that I thought was stolen from me forever.  I now have found the hope that for me, the magic of Star Wars can live on.

Wow, for a movie that I love with almost all of my being, this post will be far shorter than my extended rant about Batman vs. Superman.

While Chris is being misty-eyed, I’ll talk a little about the film at hand.  The word badass comes to mind.  And thank you.  Seriously.  Our main character here is a badass woman who handles her shit and keeps yelling at her male counterpart for trying to hold her hand while they run.  Rae is brilliant.  She is almost exactly like Luke in the first film (sorry, A New Hope), but with far less whining.  Folks talk about her being conveniently good at too many things, but really, is it any different from the skill sets of both Han and Luke?  No, she just happens to be a woman.

Good on JJ and the rest of the team for trusting their new story could work with a woman in the lead.  I love it.  Really, I love almost everything about this movie, except one thing…

This thing, unfortunately, cannot be helped.  It is a function of the story and to tell it properly, this thing had to be scarce.  But dammit, I wanted more Luke.  In an odd twist, this part of this post is shockingly similar to something I said in the last post.  So, just like then, I know everyone loves Han (and I do too, of course), but Luke has always been my guy.  Even when he was being whiney, which was a lot, he’s the one I stuck by.  He was my Star Wars crush and the reason why Return of the Jedi is my favorite of the original trilogy.

I loved the story they told to get to Luke.  And, knowing he will be a central figure in the next film excites me.  However, he was just missing from this story in a powerful way for me.  As much as I love Rae and Finn and Po and BB8 (seriously, how cute and awesome is BB8?!), with Lea and Han and Chewie back, it felt a little empty without Luke.  And go ahead and say it, “That was the point, dummy.” I know, but I can’t help how I feel.

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